Solutions for the wine industry and fire and land managers.
Fact sheets developed from a comprehensive research and development program to improve the wine industry's knowledge of how smoke impacts wine.
Scientists are aiming to develop a web-based risk assessment tool to help growers determine the potential risk of smoke taint in grapes and wine as a result of controlled burning or bushfires.

5 fact sheets have been developed.
Fact sheets are downloadable as PDFs. (Note: these documents do not meet WCAG 2.0 accessibility guidelines)
Fact sheets
Smoke taint risk and management in vineyards
Measuring smoke density and smoke composition in vineyards
Protocols for vineyard mangers to minimize smoke taint from prescribed burns
Protocols for vineyard mangers to minimize smoke taint from prescribed burns (update 2021)
Protocols for fire mangers to minimize smoke taint in wine
Protocols for fire mangers to minimize smoke taint in wine (update 2021)
More resources
Horticulture Innovation Fund research
Innovative solutions to manage smoke risk in the Victorian wine industry
Facts Sheets from The Australian Wine Research Institute:
Smoke taint – entry into grapes and vineyard risk factors
Smoke taint – practical management options for grape growers and winemakers
For more information on Smoke Taint go to the AWRI